The EPS hot melting machine is also called a polystyrene/styrofoam densifier machine, a kind of plastic recycling machine. The densifier machine is used for processing and recycling EPS, and EPE waste materials, such as styrofoam fast food boxes, polystyrene packing peanuts, cake boxes, foam packaging boxes, insulation materials, and other foam materials. The foam crushing part can crush the waste EPS or EPE foam into small pieces. The melting part can dissolve the waste foam after crushing, and plasticize the foam with a screw to form a lump shape. The final foam lumps are convenient for storage, transportation, pelletizing, and sales.
- The integral EPS foam hot melting recycling machine is a combination of crushing and foam melting. The EPS densifier occupies a small area, saves labor, and is easy to operate.
- EPS发泡机处理能力高,多种产量可选。根据泡沫密度的不同,产量一般在每小时150-250kg/h左右。
- 该设备功率约为18.5-22.5kw,综合电力成本较低。
- 最终熔化的产品占用空间小,易于储存、运输和回收。
- 自动控温功能可以避免出现异常情况,达到预期的熔化效果。
- 低噪音、低粉尘、无污染。
- 螺杆介绍:作为挤出机的主要部件,直接关系到挤出机的应用范围和生产率。采用高强度耐腐蚀合金钢制成。
- 筒体:是金属圆筒,一般采用耐热、高抗压、耐磨、耐腐蚀的钢管制成。机筒与螺杆配合,实现塑料的破碎、软化、熔融、塑化、排气、压实,并将橡胶连续均匀地输送至成型系统。塑化后的泡沫可充分加热塑化。
- 料斗:料斗底部装有切断装置,用于调节和切断料流。料斗侧面有观察孔和校准计量装置。
Styrofoam densifier parameter (SL-800/SL-1000)
EPS hot melting densifer mode | SL-800 | SL-1000 |
机器尺寸 | 1580*1300*850mm | 1900*1580*900毫米 |
进口尺寸 | 800*600毫米 | 1000*700毫米 |
电机功率 | 18.5千瓦 | 22千瓦 |
输出 | 150-200公斤/小时 | 200-250公斤/小时 |